Audit Prep & 990 Support

We have the know-how to get you audit-ready. 

Work with a team that prepares hundreds of audits a year

We have established working relationships with over 40 regional accounting firms that handle most regional audits. We know them, and they know us. We know the kinds of questions they are going to ask and the common mistakes they see repeatedly. Even better: we can help you avoid those mistakes and work toward clean audits year after year. 

We're all in on our clients' impact

Get your free Veracity Score™

Find out how your nonprofit’s financial health compares to your peers with our proprietary scoring tool. 

Client Experience Spotlight

Learn how we helped COMPAS achieve a successful audit and build credibility in the community.

Our latest nonprofit insights

Board packets are critical to bringing your board up to speed. We’ve created this guide to help your board maximize their potential and best understand
Uncover five conditions that can give rise to an unclean audit, illustrated with real-life examples and paired with ways you can avoid the same problems
The board is responsible for oversight of the nonprofit’s accounting functions and evaluating the performance of any independent auditors.
A group of young accountants meet around a laptop to discuss outsourced accounting services for entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations.

Our expertise is just a click away

Schedule a free consultation and learn how to tackle all your nonprofit accounting to-dos in one place.